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Event Registration - Effective Governance Workshop
Thursday, November 07, 2024
Workshop topics:
Welcome and Your role as a Municipal Leader - Kevin Bommer, CML executive director
Ethics, Liability and Conflicts of Interest - Presented by CIRSA
Open Meetings Law - Robert Sheesley, CML general counsel
Media Relations/Social Media -Todd Barnes, City of Thornton public information officer
Best Practices in Advocacy - Heather Stauffer, CML legislative advocacy manager
Civility Starts Here - Denise White, CML communications and engagement manager
Public Engagement
Roundtable Discussions & Takeaways
Strengthen your leadership skills and enhance your community impact by attending the Effective Governance workshop at CML. This interactive daylong workshop focuses on practical governance skills from staff/council relationships, ethics, liability, open meetings, media relations, civility and more.  Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage with experts, exchange ideas, and empower your community.
1144 Sherman St.
Denver, CO
Date: Thursday, November 7

Cost:$85 for CML municipal and associate members if received by November 4; $110 after that date.$120 for non-members if received by November 4; $150 after that date.

CML Muniversity Credits: Six credits will be awarded for this training.

Parking:There is limited complimentary parking at the League building.

Lodging: Hotel rooms are available at the ART Hotel,1201 Broadway. The CML rate is $201/night. Please mention Colorado Municipal League when making your reservation.
CML also has a special room rate at the Warwick Denver Hotel, 1776 Grant St. (approximately six blocks from CML).

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